
Best learning experience for children and adults - through personal care!
You book your own private instructor who can tailor the lessons to meet your individual needs.

Best learning experience for children and adults - through personal care!
You book your own private instructor who can tailor the lessons to meet your individual needs.

  • Ski Alpine
  • Snowboard
  • Cross-Country
Offered by
Sport Leithner


from € 170,00
Book now:

More Experiences from Sport Leithner


from € 170,00

More Experiences from

Wildlife in winter

from € 18,00


from € 48,00

Exclusive ranger-guided nature hike


A t t w e n g e r

from € 12,00

Tier- und Naturcamp mit Schwerpunkt Ostern 3Tage

from € 190,00

Thriller dinner with Bernhard Aichner

from € 79,00

Roberto Bossard Jazz Band

from € 12,00

Thriller hike with Katharina Eigner on the ´Dien-Mut Weg`


Golden eagle hike with the nature park rangers

from € 7,50

Via ferrata Christlumsiedlung - Adrenaline rush in nature

from € 40,00

Winter landscapes

from € 18,00

Farmer ours

from € 12,00