Eagle Walk Stage 08: Erfurter Hütte - Lamsenjochhütte

Important Infomation

Route Length
17 km
Elevation Gain
1030 hm
Highest Point
1949 hm
Elevation Loss
70 hm
Route Time Total
05:00 h
Starting Point: Erfurter Hütte
End Point: Lamsenjochhütte

Elevation Profile


trail description: You may either take the Rofan Gondola downhill from Erfurter Hut to Maurach, or just start at Maurach. From there, the trail takes you along the southern or rather south-western shores of Achensee Lake to Pertisau and further to the beginning of the toll road leading to the Karwendel Valleys (in Pertisau follow signage to “Karwendeltäler”). Having passed the tollgate bear left and follow the trail towards “Gramaialm” into Falzthurntal Valley. Continue through the forest on the wide, paved footpath, which is gradually climbing, until you reach Falzthurnalm with its Alpine Pasture Hut and the Falzthurn Mountain Inn, which is a nice place to pause for a rest. This is the end of the paved portion of this walk.

Keep on walking further into the valley along the gently climbing footpath (do not climb the slope to your left). From time to time you will have to cross the gravel creek bed until you reach Gramaialm. From here, the trail continues along a dirt road leading further into the valley towards “Lamsenjochhütte”. Stick to your left crossing the dry creek bed, along the valley floor and pass the fork leading to Gramai-Hochleger. Follow the footpath through Gramaier Grund towards the steep slope at the south end of the valley, where you can see prominent Lamsenspitze Summit rising to the right. Here the trail climbs the slope to the left before crossing the talus slopes into the valley. The final section of the trail continues upward the steep talus slope with many switchbacks at a character-building grade. Once you have reached the col, you are just a few steps away from Lamsenjoch Hut, which can already be seen to your left. Lamsenjoch Hut is surrounded by the spectacular rock faces of rugged 1,953-metre Lamsenspitze Peak, the view of the Alps to the south is like a peek through the keyhole.

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