A school for all!

Secondary school Achensee in Maurach

The secondary school Achensee enjoys a great location and is a school for all where children will feel accepted and valued. Pupils and teachers work together to establish a positive learning environment with a focus on teamwork and collaboration in all areas.

Group photo of the pupils of Achensee Middle School on the jetty on the shore of Lake Achensee.
Secondary School Achensee
Find out about the secondary school Achensee and its wide range of learning opportunities on the school's official website.
Pupils at Achensee secondary school learn a lot for their future in the subject of nutrition and household.
School timetable
Find out what courses the school offers: languages, maths, physics, music, technology & design, biology & environmental education, sports, nutrition and more.
Pupils from the Achensee secondary school go on a kayaking trip in summer.
Excursions, workshops & more
Pupils gain experience and learn through excursions and activities such as avalanche training, sports days, our own bouldering hall, robotics, English language weeks, etc.
/// This photo captures a woman holding the Achensee region's benefit card for employees.
Enjoy benefits

The Achensee DahoamCard gives children & youngsters from the region numerous benefits and discounts on leisure activities.