Getting around for free and eco-friendly!

Lake Achensee regional buses

Looking for a convenient, free and eco-friendly way to explore the region? Then be sure to bring your AchenseeCard, which you will receive from your accommodation provider upon arrival. This credit card-sized visitor card is your free ticket for the barrier-free buses (VVT) that run regularly between the villages of Achenkirch, Maurach, Pertisau, Steinberg, Wiesing, and Jenbach. If you take the train to Jenbach station, you can continue your journey to Lake Achensee free of charge - just show the bus driver your booking confirmation. Get on board and do something good for the environment!

A group of people waiting for the bus in the Achensee atoll in winter.
Bus timetables

Looking to explore the Achensee region in an environmentally friendly way? Visit our interactive map at to view all bus stops and live bus arrival times.

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