Kite-, Surf- & Wingfoillizenz Achensee

With more than nine kilometers in length, Achensee is the largest lake in Tyrol. Due to its unique topographical location, the lake offers excellent water and wind conditions for water sports enthusiasts of all kinds.
Kitesurfers, surfers & wingfoilers need a weekly, monthly, or seasonal license to practice their sport. By purchasing the weekly, monthly, or seasonal license, one is authorized to engage in water sports and agrees to the underlying permission regulations of the lake administration.
eFoils are not allowed on Achensee and in Tyrol!
Kitesurfing, surfing & wingfoiling on Achensee is only permitted with a valid weekly, monthly, or seasonal license. For seasonal licenses, a tag must be collected at TVB Achensee or Atoll (Achenseestraße 63, 6212 Maurach, open daily from 8.00 to 18.00). This tag must be visibly attached to the harness and worn.
By acquiring a weekly, monthly, or seasonal license, one unreservedly agrees to the permission conditions.
more information
Seeuferstrasse 25, 6212 Maurach, Seeverwaltung Achensee, City Magistrate Innsbruck
Kite surfing and wing foiling is only permitted at Lake Achensee with a valid license. By acquiring a license, you agree to the currently valid regulations for kite surfers and surfers . Upon request, the license must be presented to the staff of the lake administration.
For season licenses, a tag must be collected from the TVB Achensee or Atoll (Achenseestraße 63, 6212 Maurach, opening hours daily from 8.00 to 18.00). This tag must be visibly attached to and worn on the harness.
Ticket validity:
Weekly ticket for kite surfing & surfing is valid for 1 week from the date of performance.
Monthly ticket for kite surfing & surfing is valid for 1 month from the date of performance.
Season ticket for kite surfing & surfing is valid from 1 Apri 2025 to 30 November 2025.
Licenses are only granted to persons with appropriate knowledge who can provide proof of a surfing diploma or sailing license.
The current shipping law and the regulations for lake and river traffic apply at Lake Achensee.
Sports equipment & course units INFO: When purchasing a season ticket, you can obtain the annual parking card in the municipality of Eben at the valid conditions by presenting the ticket, proof of purchase, and vehicle registration. (only one vehicle registration per annual parking card is allowed)