Bootslizenz Achensee (ohne Boje)

The use of a boat on Lake Achensee, with the exception of rowboats, is only possible with a valid boat license. Lake Achensee is one of the most wind-favorable lakes in Austria; on some days, strong gusts from Bavaria can even reach wind force five.
The use of boats, with the exception of rowboats, on Lake Achensee is only allowed with a valid weekly, monthly, or seasonal license. Additionally, for boats with a seasonal license, a sticker must be affixed to the mirror of the boat, which can be obtained at the Welcome Center Achensee (Achenseestraße 63, 6212 Maurach, open daily from 8.00 to 18.00) upon presentation of the ticket available here.
By purchasing the weekly, monthly, or seasonal license, the user fully agrees to the license conditions.
WARNING for all BUOY OWNERS: The acquisition of the seasonal license, including buoy license, is automatically required by the lake management. In this case, purchasing this product (boat seasonal license) is not necessary!
In Tyrol, the law only allows electric motors with a propulsion power of up to 2200 watts! Combustion engines are completely prohibited!
more information
Lake Shore Road 25, 6212 Maurach, Austria
Lake Administration Achensee, City Magistrate Innsbruck
The permit is only granted to individuals with the corresponding knowledge who can provide proof of a sailing certificate.
WARNING for all BUOY OWNERS: acquiring the seasonal license including buoy authorization is automatically required by the lake administration. In this case, purchasing this product (boat license online) is not necessary!
Access to a sailing club INFO: When purchasing a seasonal ticket, you can obtain the annual parking permit at the valid conditions in the municipality of Eben by presenting the ticket, purchase receipt, and vehicle registration. (only one vehicle registration is allowed per annual parking permit)
For season licenses, a sticker must be picked up at the TVB Achensee in the Welcome-CENTER (Achenseestraße 63, 6212 Maurach, open daily from 8.00 to 18.00). This sticker must be visibly affixed to the mirror of the boat. The current shipping law and the lake and river traffic regulations apply at Achensee.
By purchasing a boat license, you agree to the currently valid terms of use. Upon request, the boat license must be presented to the personnel of the lake administration.
WARNING: In Tyrol, only electric motors with a propulsion power of up to 2200 watts are allowed by law! Combustion engines are completely prohibited!
Ticket validity:
Weekly ticket for boat trips is valid for 1 week from the date of performance.
Monthly ticket for boat trips is valid for 1 month from the date of performance.
Season ticket for boat trips is valid from 01.04.2025 to 30.11.2025.